Hearing Aid Hero is a leading hearing aid retailer in Morely, Perth Western Australia. We are dedicated to providing the best hearing aids from world leading manufacturers at the lowest prices. Over the years we have negotiated lower supply costs from leading brands including Oticon, Resound, Signia, Phonak, Starkey, Widex, Unitron and Bernafon so we can pass the savings on to you.
You can expect to save around 50% on Premium and Advanced hearing aid models from these trusted brands. We believe that price should not be a barrier to accessing the very best hearing aid technology for your vital sense of hearing.
Professional hearing services are delivered via our Innovative Remote Care which is a form of tele-health where you have a virtual appointment with our Audiologist. You can conveniently have your hearing tested, hearing aids programmed and adjusted and be coached in their use and management through live video chat.
You can also receive in-person services at our partner hearing clinics located across the Perth metropolitan area including Morely. Expert Audiologist provide that personal touch and on-going care.
For more information please don't hesitate to contact us on 1800 007 006 or email: info@harmonyhearing.com.au